No formal exams/tests will be conducted for kindergarten section. Students will be assessed on the basis of their day-to-day performance and on the assessments and activities conducted throughout the session.



The session is divided into two terms. The students’ performance is evaluated on the basis of 2 cycle tests which are held on Mondays in rotation for all subjects. The first cycle test will be conducted before the Midterm examination i.e. in the month of Apr-May and the second before the finals i.e. in the month of Nov- Dec. The other scholastic and non-scholastic areas are same as per the policy mentioned for classes VI-VIII



According to the revised assessment-structure and examination pattern of CBSE the session is divided into two terms: TERM-I and TERM-II having a Periodic Test ie Pre Mid Term(PMT)/PostMid Term(PoMT) followed By Mid Term /Final Term Exam. The report card for these classes will be based on Scholastic and Non scholastic Area as per the criteria mentioned below:



The assessment structure and examination for classes VI to VIII comprises of two terms. Each term consists of a term end examination of 80 marks named as Mid term examination and Final examination. In between each term there will be a periodic test of 10 marks weightage called the Pre Mid Term (to be conducted before Mid Term) and Post Mid Term (to be conducted before final exam). The Rest 10 marks are calculated on the basis of following i.e.


Notebook submission as a part of internal assessment is aimed at enhancing seriousness of students towards preparing notes for the topics being taught in the class room as well as assignments. This also addresses the critical aspect of regularity, punctuality, neatness and maintenance of notebooks.



These are subject-specific activities aimed at enhancing the understanding and skills of the students. These activities will be carried out throughout the term, but would be evaluated at the term-end.



For the holistic development of students, co-curricular activities will be carried out and graded term wise on a three point grading scale((A=Outstanding, B=Very Good and C=Fair) for

Work Education Art Education

Health and Physical Education Discipline



According to the revised assessment-structure and examination pattern of CBSE, the students of class IX and X will be evaluated based on Internal Assessment (20 Marks) and Annual examination (80 Marks).


For internal assessment of 20 marks, following criteria will be followed which will be evaluated out of 5 marks each:


Periodic Assessments : This will be evaluated based on pen paper test given by the student

Multiple Assessment Activities: Quizzes, oral test, concept map, exit, cards, visual expression etc. are the strategies to be used for the

Portfolio : Notebooks ,Class work ,Class participation and achievements of student in the subject as a part of internal assessment aim at enhancing seriousness of students towards preparing notes for the topics being taught in the classroom and home assignments

Subject Enrichment Activity : These are subject specific application based activities which aim at enrichment of the understanding and skill



There will be TWO UNIT TESTS of 50 marks each followed by Half Yearly & Annual Exams as per the latest instructions of CBSE.


PRACTICAL : Practical examination will be conducted twice in a session for all subjects as per the guidelines mentioned in CBSE. It is mandatory for a child to pass in both practical and theory separately for qualifying to next class.


The school offers following streams :

The students has the choice to opt the 5th subject from Information Practices / Physical Education / Music.